Human Factors Design Standard Revision B
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Abstract:The purpose of this standard is to provide a single easy-to-use source of human factors design criteria oriented to the needs of the FAA mission and systems. An additional goal is to facilitate use of appropriate design criteria by organizing the document so that users can easily locate the needed information. The objectives developed to create this document reflect the working philosophy used to form this standard into a useful human factors reference tool. Some of the objectives in creating this document were to: a. place relevant human factors information in a single document rather than multiple diverse human factors documents;b. provide highly relevant information based on research or accepted practices for use by FAA and contractor human factors professionals in system acquisitions or modifications and in the evaluation and selection of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and Non-Developmental Items (NDI) procurements;c. provide human factors information in the form of clear, concise, usable standards;d. organize the document so that users could easily locate the needed information;e. use credible, up-to-date sources;f. provide a strong and comprehensive computer-human interface section;g. promote human-interface consistency within and among subsystems; andh. serve as a basis for general human factors test and evaluation information and checklist procedures.
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