Highway Pavement Condition Deterioration Modeling considering Maintenance History
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:A nation’s economy and prosperity depend on an efficient and safe transportation network for public mobility and freight transportation. A country’s road network is recognized as one of the largest public infrastructure assets. About 93 percent of 2.6 million miles of paved roads and highways in the United States (U.S.) are surfaced with asphalt. Longitudinal roughness, pavement cracking, potholes, and rutting are the major reasons for the rehabilitation of asphalt roads. Billions of dollars are required annually for the maintenance and rehabilitation of road networks. If timely maintenance and rehabilitation are not performed, the pavement damages inflicted by heavy traffic repetitions and environmental impacts may lead to life-threatening conditions for road users. This report is focused on asphalt pavement condition deterioration progression modeling and computational simulations of uncracked and cracked asphalt pavement-subgrade models. The research objectives are to (1) evaluate and enhance asphalt pavement condition deterioration prediction models, (2) evaluate modulus backcalculation approaches for characterizing asphalt pavement layers of selected test sections, (3) develop three dimensional-finite elements (3D-FE) asphalt pavement models and study impacts of cracking on pavement structural responses, and (4) implement pavement condition deterioration models for improved structural design and asset management of asphalt highway pavements.
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