Dockless Scooter Travel: A Land Use Model with Implications for California [Research Brief]
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Abstract:Since their emergence in 2017, the use of commercial dockless scooters has grown rapidly. Yet, little research has been done to explain when, where, who, and for what reasons dockless scooters are used as a travel mode choice. The objective of our research is to bridge this gap by developing a land use model of dockless scooter use that can be used to both explain and predict locations with high propensity for dockless scooter trip-making. Increasing our understanding of this can help inform transportation policy, planning, and regulatory decisions with respect to dockless scooters – for example, if and where to make supportive infrastructure investments; whether and how to regulate the spatial distribution of dockless scooters; and what, if any, trip purposes and modes pose the greatest benefit and potential for being shifted to scooters.
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