Performance-Based Asphalt Mixture Design (PBD) for Arkansas
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This project sought to develop/adapt and implement a 'cracking test' for asphalt mixture design, to use in conjunction with the current Asphalt Pavement Analyzer rutting test to shift mixture design in Arkansas to a performance, rather than volumetric, basis. In addition, the project attempted to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the current method for estimating resistance to moisture damage - and possibly develop/adapt alternate methods as appropriate. Six sites for material collection were leveraged around the state to ensure a diversity in quarried materials, mixes, and binders. Based on an evaluation to use a cracking-related performance testing in a “go/nogo” decision point process during mix design, the preliminary recommendation for Arkansas is to use the AASHTO R30 short-term aging combined with the NCAT long-term aging protocol. Finally, this study clearly indicates the potential for using the IDEAL-CT as a cracking-related ‘index’ type test for performance-engineered asphalt mixture design. From a practicality perspective, the IDEAL-CT offers attractive advantages: (1) potentially significant reduction in equipment costs – particularly if a given laboratory possesses a suitable load frame, e.g. a Marshall test setup; (2) significant reduction in test specimen preparation, by eliminating the need for precise sawing. From a mixture design perspective, the IDEAL-CT appears to offer similar/comparable test results to the SCB/IFIT system.
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