Investing in California’s Transportation Future: 2022 Public Opinion on Critical Needs
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This study surveyed 3,821 adults living in California about their general travel behaviors and resources, use of ride-hailing, performance ratings for the transportation system and agencies responsible for transportation, transportation system improvement priorities, and preference for how transportation funds are allocated. Key findings include the following: • Californians are multi-modal: Although driving was the most common mode, respondents reported that in the previous 30 days 66% had made a walk trip, 28% had used ridehailing, 25% had used public transit, and 22% had bicycled. • Although many respondents had at least once substituted ride-hailing for transit, walking, or bicycling and micromobility, the impact on those modes was nuanced. For example, although 64% of respondents who used ride-hailing had done so at least once when transit was available, only about a quarter of ride-hailers (27%) felt that they used transit less once they started ride-hailing. Another 16% of ride-hailers said they rode transit more after they started ride-hailing. • Virtually all respondents—over 90%—wanted the state to work towards better safety and maintenance; reduced congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution; and convenient multimodal travel options. • Large majorities of respondents placed a medium or high priority on transportation spending options to support all modes.
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