Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis to Advance Transportation
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Abstract:Measuring equity in transportation is vitally important to ensure that the transportation network serves the entire community without introducing barriers to access. However, not all methods for assessing transportation equity produce the same results or are appropriate for all scenarios—the analysis methods used should be selected to produce the highest likelihood of determining the most equitable outcomes. This research project synthesizes previous research investigating equity assessments by MnDOT, academia, and industry and leverages these findings in concert with directly collected community experience and staff expertise to achieve the following objectives: (1) establish a detailed understanding of current challenges and needs related to equity assessment in Minnesota; (2) identify or develop assessment methods and equity-focused strategic actions that will improve the likelihood that transportation equity in Minnesota is assessed in a manner that achieves context-sensitive outcomes representative of the communities served; and (3) facilitate the adoption of identified or developed equity assessment methods and complementary strategic actions, including information detailing appropriate use cases, data requirements, and considerations through a bespoke training program.
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