Taking on Frozen Debris Lobes—Permafrost Experts, DOT Engineers Team Up in First-of-its-Kind Study
Series: UTC Spotlight Newsletter
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Abstract:In the fall of 2012, a research group headed by Darrow and Daanen teamed-up with a drill crew from the Alaska DOT&PF to conduct two field investigation trips. In 2008, Daanen received a seed grant from Alaska EPSCoR3 to measure FDL-A's movement. This preliminary study resulted in the first publication on FDLs and established awareness of the current conditions and movement. The team had several goals: determine FDL-A's soil and bedrock profile; assess its thickness and stratigraphy; and install instruments and a weather station for measuring local weather, temperature, water pressure, and slope movement. They found that FDL-A was "fairly homogenous, consisting of silty sand with gravel."4 They drilled multiple borings and returned to conduct manual measurements and download meteorological data. On later trips, they also placed a series of GPS markers, enabling them to monitor FDL-A's biweekly movement. They have realized a variety of data, movement, and subsurface dynamics that have given rise to even more questions about the lobe.
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