One-Stop Bridge Data New Online Tool Combines Multiple Datasets for Bridge Performance Analysis
By Rutgers University ...
Series: UTC Spotlight Newsletter
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Abstract:The LTBP Bridge Portal was developed at CAIT in partnership with FHWA’s Long-Term Bridge Performance Program. In 2008 the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) launched its largest and most robust bridge research endeavor, the Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program, a 20-year study of U.S. bridges—our transportation network’s most critical links. The Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, was competitively selected as the primary university partner on LTBP and, for the last 8 years, has been working with FHWA to provide a detailed and timely picture of bridge performance. Through this UTC-FHWA collaboration, CAIT created the LTBP Bridge Portal, a new web-based product that comprises bridge information mined from a wide range of datasets. Combined, these data encompass nearly every characteristic and biographic fact that can influence bridge performance: construction, design, age, dimensions, elevation, weather data, traffic data, weigh-in-motion data, maintenance/repair records, and more.
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