The Effect of Truck Size and Weight on Accident Experience and Traffic Operations: Volume Ill: Accident Experience of Large Trucks
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The objective of this study was to determine the effect the size and weight of large trucks has on accidents and traffic operations. The effect on accidents was determined by comparing the accident rates for a variety of truck types defined in terms of configuration, size, and weight. The accident rate is obtained by dividing the number of accidents of a specific truck type, size, and weight by the exposure mileage (opportunity to have an accident) for that same truck type, size, and weight. This volume documents the methodology used to obtain the accident and VMT exposure data. Tables of accident distributions and accident rate calculations are presented. Data were collected for all large truck accidents occurring on 78 roadway segments in six states. In total 2,112 accident involvements were investigated in-depth over a 1-1/2-year period in 1976-1977.
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