Urban Intersection Improvements for Pedestrian Safety Volume II. Identification of Safety and Operational Problems at Intersections
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This report summarizes the research completed in the first phase of a three-phase project. This phase was directed at identifying and defining the safety and operational problems associated with the interaction of pedestrians and vehicles at intersections. Both signalized nonsignalized intersections were investigated. Four sources of information were used to define problems and uncover implications for countermeasure concepts. These sources included: accident data, expert opinion, behavioral observations, conceptual investigations. The significant findings from all four sources are presented in terms of the following categories: undesirable pedestrian and vehicle interactions; undesirable pedestrian and/or driver behaviors; undesirable intersection characteristics; and undesirable traffic control device characteristics. Several countermeasure concepts that address some of the above problems were identified. The information required in order to design the specific countermeasures is documented in the body of the report. Likewise, the means for evaluating the effectiveness of the specific countermeasures have been developed and are reported.
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