The Ecosystem Approach and Transportation Development
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Abstract:Ecosystem management recognizes the interrelationship between the natural environment and healthy, sustainable economies, and emphasizes the integration of planning for the protection and preservation of both. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) includes measures and policies requiring or encouraging an approach to transportation development which integrates considerations for management of both the natural and constructed environments. ISTEA, through measures in the Transportation Improvement Program, encourages Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local, and State transportation agencies to involve the public and other resource management and development concerns in long-range transportation planning. It also requires that transportation agencies consider the likely effects of transportation policy decisions on land use and development, and the consistency of transportation plans and programs with the provisions of all applicable short- and long-term l and use and development plans. Although the ecosystem approach as a formally defined objective of the Federal government is a fairly recent concept, transportation agencies have implemented a variety of projects and programs that are consistent with the principles of sustainable environments and economies. However, certain similarities are evident. All involve ways to bring together sometimes divergent, stakeholder interests into a coordinated plan of action with a well-defined purpose. All contain provisions imploring the use of sound science as a basis for decisions made. Agencies throughout the nation are demonstrating that the ecosystem approach is not only possible, but actually beneficial to the safe, efficient, and environmentally sensitive transportation of people and goods.
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