Speed Management Action Plan Implementation: The Oregon Experience
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Abstract:States across the Nation are experiencing increases in speeding-related fatalities. In 2014, Oregon reported 105 speeding-related fatalities, which accounted for nearly 30 percent of total traffic fatalities in the State. In an effort to take a broad look at their speeding-related policies, safety plans, and programs, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), with assistance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), developed a Speed Management Action Plan (SMAP). The plan integrates opportunities for speed management statewide, suggests guidance for setting effective and appropriate speed limits, and promotes strategies and countermeasures to reduce speeding-related crashes. Finalized in summer of 2016, ODOT promoted the SMAP to stakeholders by making presentations to: Regional metropolitan planning organizations; Leadership teams within ODOT; State safety committees; Other teams within the agency. The presentations encouraged stakeholders to read the plan and to ask questions as a means of fostering involvement and collaboration. ODOT is currently working with several of these stakeholders to implement the plan’s strategies and action steps, discussed below.
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