AMR Leader-Follower System TMA Evaluation
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Edition:Final Report (February 2022-April 2023)
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Abstract:To reduce worker injuries in truck mounted attenuator (TMA) crashes, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is piloting a Leader-Follower TMA system, which allows the worker to be removed from the follower vehicle, in two districts. The objectives of this research study are to evaluate MoDOT’s pilot program for Leader-Follower TMAs in two districts, to synthesize practices of other state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) regarding Leader-Follower TMAs, and to identify obstacles to implementation faced by other state DOTs. The research methodology to meet this objective includes a literature review, DOT survey and interviews, field study, interviews with MoDOT personnel, and economic analysis. Results from field evaluations conducted in this research study and other prior research studies generally show that the system performs as expected, with some challenges related to GPS-denied environment, tight turns, and path deviations. Based on the survey results, four agencies have implemented Leader-Follower TMA systems, 19 agencies are exploring or have previously explored them, and 20 agencies are not exploring their potential use. Overall, the study findings indicate that the Leader-Follower TMA has the potential to be an effective tool in improving safety for workers in mobile work zones. A benefit-cost-ratio (BCR) of 0.83 was calculated in this research study. There is potential for the BCR to increase in the future as costs will likely decrease due to economies of scale. Challenges to implementation are both technical (e.g., GPS signal loss, need for situational awareness of hills and curves, need for performance data, and need for procedures to reset the system when there is no driver in follower vehicle) and non-technical (e.g., legislation, procurement, competing priorities, and lack of awareness of the system and its capabilities). Potential enhancements to help address some of the technical challenges include a supplementary guidance system for loss of GPS signal, a remote reset feature, additional cameras, and a remote alarm trigger.
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