The UC Davis campus travel survey, a joint effort by the Transportation and Parking Services and the Institute of Transportation Studies, collects annual data on travel to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions. Survey results are used to assess awareness and utilization of campus transportation services and estimate demand for new services designed to promote sustainable commuting. Data also provide researchers with insights about the effects of attitudes and perceptions of mobility options on commute mode choice. Almost half of those physically traveling to campus on a typical day bike to the campus while about one-quarter drive alone. Results indicate that biking is increasing and the amount of carbon dioxide produced by commuters is decreasing.
The UC Davis Campus Travel Survey is an annual survey led by Transportation Services (TS) – formerly known as Transportation and Parking Services (T...
The UC Davis Campus Travel Survey is an annual survey led by Transportation Services (TS) – formerly known as Transportation and Parking Services (T...
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