Incorporate Travel Mode Choices in the Regional Strategic Planning Model (RSPM) Tool
By Wang, Liming
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Abstract:The GreenSTEP family of tools including the Regional Strategic Planning Model (RSPM), has been used in performance-based planning at the state and region level in Oregon and elsewhere. While the current implementation has a sufficient model of household vehicle miles traveled (VMT), it lacks in the representation of non-auto modes, and especially how their usage would respond to various policy inputs. This project develops and implements a multi-modal travel demand module, VETravelDemandMM, for RSPM with the new VisionEval framework. In the development of this new module, we follow the best practices for model development recommended in the literature. In particular, we address the uncertainty and validity in our models by going through rigorous cross-validation and model selection (in addition to variable selection). We use a unique high-resolution nationwide dataset that combines 2009 National Household Travel Survey, EPA's Smart Location Database, and regional roadway and transit services information. This report presents a review of relevant literature and data sources, the results of model estimation, validation, model selection, and sensitivity and prediction tests for the Annual Average Daily VMT model, Personal Miles Traveled models and Trip Frequency and Length models for three non-auto modes.
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