Developing Crash Modification Factors for Mini-Roundabouts [techbrief]
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Abstract:The objective of this study was to assess the safety effectiveness of mini-roundabout (MR) installations based on crash data and develop statistically valid Crash Modification Factors (CMFs). The research team studied CMFs of MR locations converted from both two-way stop-control (TWSC) and all-way stop-control (AWSC) and developed separate CMFs for converted MRs from both for various crash types, including total, fatal and injury (FI), property damage only (PDO), multivehicle total (MV_Total), multivehicle FI (MV_FI), and multivehicle PDO MV_PDO). In addition, the researcher provided benefit–cost (B/C) ratios for the MR installations. Practitioners can use these CMFs and B/C ratios for decision-making in their project development and safety planning processes.
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