Vehicles often collide with bridges. However, there are no available guidelines for bridge inspectors to assess damage and make repair decisions. This project addresses this gap by investigating the behavior of steel girder bridges subjected to vehicular collision through (1) performing non-destructive field testing, (2) developing validated numerical models, and (3) performing parametric investigations to extend research findings. Field testing was performed using digital image correlation (DIC)—a portable, non-destructive photographic measurement technique. The focus was on two- and three-span continuous multi-girder steel bridges in which an exterior girder had sustained Category T damage (i.e., torsion about the longitudinal direction). This project can benefit the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) by potentially reducing the number of repairs, leading to cost savings and longer lifespans for bridges.
Vehicles often collide with bridges. However, there are no available guidelines for bridge inspectors to assess damage and to make repair decisions. T...
Vehicles often collide with bridges. However, there are no available guidelines for bridge inspectors to assess damage and to make repair decisions. T...
Once a bridge type is selected, the designer then advances to the detailed design of the bridge. Since the vast majority of steel bridges designed tod...
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