Implementation of Unmanned Aerial Systems Using Close-Range Photogrammetry Techniques (UAS-CRP) for Quantitative (Metric) and Qualitative (Inspection) Tasks Related to Roadway Assets and Infrastructure [Project Summary]
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Abstract:One of the main objectives of this implementation project was to validate the TxDOT Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Flight Operations and User’s Manual (FOM) that was developed as part of the research project 0-6944. After the research project was successfully completed, TxDOT granted this implementation project that included nine training sessions, at different locations all over the state of Texas, and five tasks. These five tasks included multiple missions to conduct mapping and inspection at different locations. Of the five tasks, three were performed by the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), and two were contracted to different vendors. UTA performed the tower inspections, intersection mapping, and building mapping tasks.
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