Air Carrier Industry Scheduled Service Traffic Stats: [2004-12]
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Abstract:Effective October 2002, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) modified the T-100/T-100(f) Traffic Reporting System to remove the distinction between large and small aircraft. All U.S. certificated and commuter air carriers and all foreign air carriers that operate to the United States report traffic movements in the T-100/T-100(f) Traffic Reporting System, regardless of the size of aircraft used. The new "Blue Book" has the same format as the Air Carrier Traffic Statistics. CD but contains airline operating statistics based on data reported to DOT by the small certificated and commuter air carriers. The data consist of passenger and cargo capacities and traffic actually carried by carrier entity and class of service in both scheduled and nonscheduled service for the most recent month and 12-month period and similar data for like periods in the previous year. Data are summarized by carrier entity and carrier group. Data are available since 2003.
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