Crime Prevention for Truckers Study
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Edition:Final Report, September 2017 through March 2022
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Abstract:The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiated this project to understand the nature and prevalence of harassment and assaults against truckers. Harassment, in this study, is defined as the threat of harm or actual physical harm perpetrated against a trucker, their possessions, vehicle, or cargo. Harassment was evaluated for women and minority male truckers with incidence among non-minority males serving as a control. The project team first performed a literature review on the topic, which indicated that threats of harm and actual physical harm are the most common types of crime committed against women and minority truckers; however, they are experienced differently among the two groups. The literature review was followed by the development of an online survey to collect data. The data collected pertained to three driver groups: 1) women truck drivers, 2) minority male truck drivers, and 3) non-minority male truck drivers (control group). Next, a statistical analysis was performed to determine if the nature and frequency of crimes committed against women and minority male truck drivers differ significantly from the control group of non-minority male truck drivers. The survey data provided important insights into the nature and frequency of harassment against truck drivers, where and when these incidents occur, characteristics of the aggressors, how many of these incidents go unreported and why, and the harassment odds risk of women and minority truck drivers relative to non-minority truck drivers. The following are suggestions provided by surveyed truck drivers for preventing future harassment against truckers and include enhancing safety at existing trucking facilities, providing additional parking facilities, allowing firearm carrying in the trucking industry, improving communication within the trucking industry, providing personal safety training to truck drivers, and developing educational material to increase awareness. Note: regulatory and policy changes related to carrying firearms are beyond the purview of FMCSA’s authority.
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