2007 Economic Census: Transportation: 2007 Commodity Flow Survey: United States: 2007: Hazardous Materials
Series: Commodity Flow Survey (CFS)
Alternative Title:2007 Economic Census: Transportation: 2007 Commodity Flow Survey: Hazardous Materials;Hazardous Materials. 2007 Economic Census. Transportation. 2007 Commodity Flow Survey;
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Abstract:As part of the shipment characteristics collected in the 2007 CFS, we asked respondents to provide the four-digit United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) identification number. For the 2007 CFS data we used the UN/NA code to: (1) identify the shipment as hazardous material, and (2) assign the shipment to one of the nine hazardous material classes for purposes of producing summary tabulations. The data from the 2007 CFS for hazardous material shipments are aggregated to these nine classes, as well as their subcategories known as divisions. Data are also shown for selected UN/NA codes. For the 2007 CFS, 20 Standard Classification of Transported Goods (SCTG) codes were identified as always being hazardous materials. Even if the respondent left the UN/NA code blank, we assigned the shipment to the appropriate UN/NA code. For example, every shipment of gasoline (SCTG 17100) was assigned a UN/NA code of 1203 either by the respondent or during our editing process. When an SCTG could have translated to more than one UN/NA code, we selected the dominant UN/NA code for all cases.
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