LCA Pave: A Tool to Assess Environmental Impacts of Pavement Material and Design Decisions - Underlying Methodology and Assumptions
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This report documents the underlying basis and foundation used in the development of LCA Pave, a tool for the assessment of environmental impacts of pavement material and design decisions. The purpose of this document is to describe the general methodology employed, the key assumptions made, and the type and sources of data used in the tool, while also disclosing its overall boundaries and limitations and the type of analyses that it can support. The report provides details on the following topics: 1. Goal and scope of the tool. 2. Procedures used for inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation. 3. Data quality assessment. 4. Incorporating environmental product declarations (EPD) into the tool. 5. Allocation procedures. 6. Assumptions, limitations, and data gaps.
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