Proposed TxDOT Strategic Research Program
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Abstract:In late 2009, The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) proposed the development of a Strategic Research Program (SRP) to prepare the department for the transportation challenges likely to be faced in the next 10–30 years. This report documents the results of the work conducted by the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) at The University of Texas at Austin, the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), and The Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Transportation (TechMRT) at Texas Tech University, to assist TxDOT in developing the elements of the SRP. The scope of the proposed SRP is to complement the current technical research program by addressing longer-term and broader transportation issues that the State Legislature and TxDOT Administration foresee affecting the efficiency and viability of the statewide transportation system. It is envisioned that products would differ from standard research reports in that they would be more concise and audience-friendly, and would be disseminated in forms more appropriate to newer technologies. Research recommendations could require legislative action and/or internal departmental adjustments.
Content Notes:Revision date May 2011--tech rpt doc pg.
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