Developing a Plan for Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Traffic Operations Applications in Virginia
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Abstract:State departments of transportation are utilizing unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in a variety of applications that support planning, construction, maintenance, and operations within their jurisdictions. As the use of UAS to support road-trafficrelated applications is currently limited by a host of technical, regulatory, and operational issues, further exploration of these aspects is needed to inform the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT’s) plans to expand the use of UAS to improve travel safety and traffic operations. This exploration included conducting a comprehensive literature review to determine the current state of technology and practice, developing a conceptual plan for UAS implementation into VDOT operations, and performing a UAS application pilot demonstration. The state-of-practice review included VDOT’s use of UAS, as well as that of other state DOTs that have employed UAS in their operations. As part of the implementation plan development, the researchers conducted a survey of state transportation agencies to assess the level of UAS usage, the types of applications that have been used, and impediments to implementation.
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