Time and Cost Benefits for Traffic Through Snowplow Operations
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Abstract:The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has difficulty conveying to the public all of the user benefits that result from UDOT’s snowplow operations. This project is focused on communicating the importance to travelers of snowplow operations in terms of travel time saved and travel time improved vs. not plowing. This information will be added to the Snowplow Operations Dashboard that was developed previously to answer questions related to where and when snowplows had operated during a previous storm and will provide overall operational statistics by shed. UDOT developed methodologies for incorporating the benefits to the traveling public of snow-plowing operations into the Snowplow Operations Dashboard. This dashboard initially visualized big data from two UDOT sources: Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL). This research effort identified the best available methodology to reflect the potential snowplow operations-related benefits to safety and delay. It was initially anticipated that the methodologies for identifying benefits would be found within existing research studies, but suitable methodologies were not found. In the absence of a suitable methodology, UDOT worked to identify a method. The methods contained in this report had certain limitations and assumptions as defined herein. The results of these methodologies are published on the current UDOT Snowplow Operations Dashboard.
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