Implementation Plan for The National Strategy for the Arctic Region
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Abstract:On May 10, 2013, the President issued the National Strategy for the Arctic Region (Strategy). The accompanying Implementation Plan1 sets forth the methodology, process, and approach for executing the Strategy. This Implementation Plan complements and builds upon existing initiatives by Federal, State, local, and tribal authorities, the private sector, and international partners, and focuses efforts where opportunities exist and action is most needed. The Implementation Plan reflects the reality of a changing Arctic environment and upholds national interests in safety, security, and environmental protection, and works with international partners to pursue global objectives of addressing climatic changes. This Implementation Plan follows the structure and objectives of the Strategy’s three lines of effort and is consistent with the guiding principles. The lines of effort of the Strategy and the Implementation Plan are as follows: Advance United States Security Interests; Pursue Responsible Arctic Region Stewardship; and, Strengthen International Cooperation. These lines of effort and guiding principles are meant to be implemented as a coherent whole. The implementation of each line of effort is detailed in this plan through specific activities supported by programs overseen by Federal entities. Several areas of implementation support more than one line of effort and therefore are not repeated, but are considered as complementary activities.
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