National Inventory of Specialty Lanes and Highways: Technical Report
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Abstract:This report provides an inventory of specialty lanes and highways located on non-signalized freeway systems that are not typically for general-purpose use. The inventory summarizes operational specialty facilities from all 50 States and Puerto Rico and the facilities’ key characteristics. The specialty lanes and highways in the report include toll roads and managed lanes, like high-occupancy vehicle (HOV), high-occupancy toll (HOT), express toll lanes (ETLs), and non-toll express lanes (NTELs). Other facility types include bus-only lanes, truck-only lanes, bus-on-shoulder (BOS) lanes, static part-time shoulder use (S-PTSU) lanes, and dynamic part-time shoulder use (D-PTSU) lanes. Specialty facilities located on signalized arterials and local streets (e.g., designated bus-only lanes through a downtown) are not included in the inventory. The inventory provides raw data and aggregations based on project location (e.g., State, county, metropolitan region), geographic latitude and longitudinal coordinates (for every facility type except toll roads), facility owner, facility operator (inclusive of public and private entities), and lane-miles. The main questions the report seeks to answer are: (1) how many of these specialty lanes exist, (2) what types of special services do they offer, and (3) where are they located?
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