Idaho Traffic Collisions 2006 provides an annual description of motor vehicle collision characteristics for Idaho.
This document is used by state and local transportation, law enforcement, health, and other agencies charged with
the responsibility of coping with the increasing costs of traffic collisions. Agencies use the data to identify traffic
safety problems and target areas for the development of collision reduction and injury prevention programs. This document is divided into two major sections: a statewide collision summary and a breakdown of collisions by
identified problem areas. Maps displaying the approximate location of each fatal collision by transportation district
are found in Appendix A. Precise locations of fatal collisions cannot be determined from the maps. Information
regarding collisions on the State Highway System is available in Appendix B. A five-year fatal and injury collision
history is contained in three tables in Appendix C. A twenty-five year history of fatalities and the fatality rate per
100 million annual vehicle miles traveled is provided in Appendix D.
Idaho Traffic Crashes 2009 provides an annual description of motor vehicle crash characteristics forcrashes that have occurred on public roads within ...
The purpose of this document is to provide Oklahoma crash, injury and fatality data for the 1997 calendar year. The Accident Records Division of the O...
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