This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for San Francisco, California. CTPP is a set of special tabulations of the 1990 decennial Census designed for transportation planners. CTPP contains tabulations by place of residence, place of work, and the flows between the residence and work.
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
2006-01-01 | National Census of Ferry Operators (NCFO)
The National Census of Ferry Operators (NCFO) is a census of all known ferry boat operations within the United States and its territories, encompassin...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
2000-01-01 | National Census of Ferry Operators (NCFO)
The National Census of Ferry Operators (NCFO) is a biennial census of all ferry operators in the United States and its territories. The information co...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Kentucky, Ohio parts, Virgini...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Georgia, South Carolina and T...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Alabama, Mississippi and Tenn...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklah...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Kansas and Missouri. CTPP is ...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for North Carolina. CTPP is a set...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Washington DC. CTPP is a set ...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Florida parts. CTPP is a set ...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for District of Columbia, Delawar...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Connecticut, Massachusetts, M...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Kansas, Missouri, North Dakot...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. C...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Michigan and Ohio. CTPP is a ...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Pennsylvania. CTPP is a set o...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for New Jersey. CTPP is a set of ...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for New York. CTPP is a set of sp...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for California excluding Los Ange...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Kentucky, Ohio parts, Virgini...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
1990-01-01 | Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
This CD presents the residence, workplace, and flow tabulations by county and Census Place (areas over 2,500 people) for Georgia, South Carolina and T...
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