Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 1990: Statewide Element: Parts A, B, and C [datasets]
Corporate Creators:
Corporate Contributors:American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ; United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration ; United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration ; United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
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Abstract:The Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) is a set of special tabulations of 1990 census data tailored to meet the data needs of transportation planners. The tabulations also contain a wealth of general interest information on the work force by place of work. The 1990 CTPP is a continuation of a program established for the 1970 census and continued for the 1980 census in the same general format. Production of the 1990 CTPP by the Bureau of the Census is sponsored by the State departments of transportation under a pooled funding arrangement with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Funding to develop the CTPP Program is provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Project coordination and technical support is provided by the Federal Highway Administration. This preservation copy of the data is distributed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS).
The CTPP 1990 Statewide Element contains tabulations at the state level, by Place of Residence (Part A); Place of Work (Part B); and the flows between the residence and work, or Journey to Work (Part C). The CTPP 1990 Urban Element provides the same statistics for metropolitan areas, and is available in another record in this repository.
File size note: As these are large data files, even when compressed as .zip files, we have provided direct download links. For Part A, use: https://doi.org/10.21949/1524183. For Part B, use: https://doi.org/10.21949/1524184. For Part C, use https://doi.org/10.21949/1524185.
Content Notes:Preservation Note: The datasets and the documentation preserved here are preserved "As-Is" as they were presented upon publication in the early 1990s and were available to NTL curation staff in 2021. Some links, contact phone numbers, reference to software packages, etc., may be out of date.
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