Nationwide Personal Transportation Study: Purposes of Automobile Trips and Travel
Alternative Title:Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
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Abstract:The report presents data on automobile trips (one-way) and vehicle-miles of travel and trip length according to the four major trip purposes for which the trip was made: earning a living, family business, educational, civic and religious, and social and recreational. The first part of the report discusses trip purpose as related to population size-groups in incorporated places and unincorporated areas, as well as Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMAS's); trip length, age of driver, occupation, household income, hour of the day trip started, season of the year and the number of occupants per trip. The second part of the report examines the relationship of the number of cars owned per household to the distribution of automobile trips and vehicle-miles of travel by trip purpose and trip length. In addition, daily and annual tripmaking rates are included.
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