Live Load Rating of Cast-in-Place Concrete Box Culverts
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Edition:Final Report 2016 –2017
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Abstract:Cast-in-place (CIP) reinforced concrete (RC) box culverts constitute a large portion of Louisiana’s bridge inventory. Culverts constructed using old detailing standards, especially the ones with lower fill heights, typically produce lower load rating factors when AASHTO procedures are followed. Nevertheless, the performance of these culverts is typically acceptable, and they rarely show signs of distress. The purpose of this project is to assess the load rating of representative CIP-RC box culverts from the Louisiana DOTD inventory. Eight culverts with different fill heights and pavement types were selected for the study. In the first phase of this research, field live load testing of the culverts was conducted after instrumenting each culvert with a structural health monitoring (SHM) system consisting of a total 48 sensors including displacement, strain, and tiltmeter sensors. In the second phase of the research, refined three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) models were built for each tested culvert and were calibrated using measured field data. AASHTO’s Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) rating methodology was followed in this research to distribute the live loads through the soil fill, and project drawings were used to develop connection details in FE models. AASHTO’s design truck, HL-93, and legal trucks were passed on the calibrated culvert models, and the resulting straining actions were used to estimate load rating factors. This report provides details about the methodology used in this study, field test data and 3D FE models, and load rating factors for the 8 culverts covered in this study. Finally, recommendations and research needs are presented.
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