Synthesis on Documentation and Tracking Research Implementation
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Edition:Final Report 12/2018 – 12/2019
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Abstract:In general, research funding departs from short-term objectives if the research results are not implementable. Planned and documented technology transfer efforts work to incorporate research findings and evidence-based interventions into real life. However, many research studies in different areas and fields were completed successfully without a real impact on society or undocumented and untracked implementation efforts. Documentation and tracking the technology transfer efforts of research studies are essential throughout the life-cycle of any project. Considering this issue, there is a need for formal guidelines for documenting and tracking the technology transfer efforts to be used by the Southeast Transportation Consortium (STC) and other State Highway Agencies (SHAs). The review of the literature of this project (Task 1) primarily documented the different practices by several agencies for tracking and documenting the technology transfer efforts. An online survey was developed to identify successful examples of guidelines for documentation and tracking of research implementation efforts currently developed/used in different state departments of transportation (DOTs), agencies, organizations, and institutions. The reviewed literature and the online survey results provided the research team of this project with valuable information and a list of the best practices by SHAs and other agencies for documenting and tracking research implementation efforts/activities. The overall technology transfer process of research findings encompasses different interacting domains. The review of the literature indicated that these domains are categorized differently based on the nature of the research itself. As an outcome of this project, the research team has developed formal guidelines to guide any funding agency tracking and monitoring their projects and the Technology Transfer (T2) efforts.
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