1977 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study: User’s Guide for the Public Use Tapes
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Abstract:This guide presents information on the 1977 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (NPTS). The 1977 NPTS was designed to update the earlier study done in 1969 to provide comprehensive data on travel and transportation patterns in the United States. This guide describes the background, scope and purpose of the study; provides information on the sampling methods, and collection and processing procedures; describes the NPTS estimating procedures used to create weighted data and includes documentation of each of the eight tape files made available on the public use tape. In addition, recoding and trip linking procedures for use in recoding of the 1977 NPTS trip purposes for comparability with the 1969 trip purposes and for preparing data summaries for the two periods are also included. A Glossary of Technical Terms (Appendix A) defines concepts and/or terms used in the documentation. Copies of the questionnaire and an order form with description and price of the public use tapes are also found in the Appendix. Standard errors of estimates and measures of sampling variability calculated from data collected for this Study will be available in early Summer 1980.
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