DRIVEN 1.0 User's Manual: A Program for Determining Ultimate Vertical Static Pile Capacity
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Abstract:The purpose of this manual is to provide instruction on the use of the computer program DRIVEN. This manual details the installation procedure, provides narration for each user input and output screen, discusses the engineering background used in the analytical development of the program, presents example problems, and finally provides a detailed description of the driveability analysis. This program is a significant step forward in pile design computing capability for the engineer. Please take the time to completely read through this manual. Only by reading through this manual can the DRIVEN software be utilized to its full potential. The DRIVEN program follows the methods and equations presented by Nordlund (1963, 1979), Thurman (1964), Meyerhof (1976), Cheney and Chassie (1982), Tomlinson (1980, 1985), and Hannigan, (1997). The Nordlund and Tomlinson static analyses methods used by the program are semi-empirical methods and have limitations in terms of correlations with field measurements and pile variables which can be analyzed. The user is encouraged to review further information on this subject in the "Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations" manual (Hannigan, 1997). Although DRIVEN has been completely rewritten from the ground up, its legacy lies in the SPILE program. Clearly, the most visible change is the move to a Windows based environment. The SPILE program was also developed by the FHWA and released in 1993. In SPILE, the user entered a soil profile to a planned pile toe depth and "ran" the program for the results of this input. When using the DRIVEN program, the user enters the entire sampled soil profile to the full depth of the profile. Based upon this input, DRIVEN will calculate pile capacities at predetermined depth intervals. This allows the user to view the pile capacity as a function of depth. There are many other new features that have been added. These options are discussed in full detail within the user's manual.
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