Assessing Roadway Traffic Count Duration and Frequency Impacts on Annual Average Daily Traffic Estimation: Evaluating Special Event, Recreational Travel, and Holiday Traffic Variability
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Abstract:The FHWA Travel Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS) volume data were utilized from 418 sites/years in the United States where data were available for all 24 hours of every day of the year. These sites collectively represented a wide range of AADT volumes, 9 functional classes, 35 states, and years 2000 through 2012. The TMAS hourly data were converted to daily ratios of volume to the overall AADT for the site. These daily volume ratios were fit to statistical analysis of variance models to estimate the mean changes in volume for national holidays and the days surrounding them. Further subsets of sites were utilized to model the traffic impacts of roadways near recreational areas and associated with special events. The report includes the analysis methodology and summary statistics findings.
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