Public private partnerships : evaluating ESALs and weigh-in-motion data for US 550 in northern New Mexico, roadLife, Altris vehicle classification system.
Alternative Title:Evaluating ESALs and weigh-in-motion data for US 550 in northern New Mexico : roadLife, Altris vehicle classification system;RoadLife : Altris vehicle classification system;
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Abstract:Public-private partnerships as an alternative means of delivering goods and services are receiving increased attention as state departments of transportation consider ways to maximize limited resources. In 1998 the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT, formerly New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department) entered into an innovative partnership with a private consultant to design and manage the reconstruction of a major highway, and the numerous innovations of the agreement included a first-of-its-kind long term performance warranty. The innovations used on this project, primarily regarding features of the public-private partnership between the parties, make this project one of national interest and significance. This paper provides an examination into one aspect of the performance warranty: administration and management of the procedures used to ensure accurate monitoring of equivalent single axle loads (ESALs), which is one of three factors used in determining expiration of the warranty. Accurate, reliable collection and processing of weigh-in-motion data is of paramount importance, as early termination of the warranty due to accumulation of ESALs has significant financial implications for the NMDOT. The paper describes a custom computer application developed specifically to calculate ESALs according to unique contractual requirements, and discusses other uses of weigh-in-motion data for performing long-term research into the benefits of this public-private partnership.
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