Introduction to Highway Hydraulics: Hydraulic Design Series Number 4
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Abstract:Hydraulic Design Series No.4 provides an introduction to highway hydraulics. Hydrologic techniques presented concentrate on methods suitable to small areas, since many components of highway drainage (culverts, storm drains, ditches, etc) service primarily small areas. A brief review of fundamental hydraulic concepts is provided, including continuity, energy, momentum, hydrostatics, weir flow and orifice flow. The document then presents open channel flow principles and design applications, followed by a parallel discussion of closed conduit principles and design applications. Open channel applications include discussion of stable channel design and pavement drainage. Closed conduit applications include culvert and storm drain design. Examples are provided to help illustrate important concepts. An overview of energy dissipators is provided and the document concludes with a brief discussion of construction, maintenance and economic issues. As the title suggests, Hydraulic Design Series No. 4 provides only an introduction to the design of highway drainage facilities and should be particularly useful for designers and engineers without extensive drainage training or experience. More detailed information on each topic discussed is provided by other Hydraulic Design Series and Hydraulic Engineering Circulars. This publication is an update of a document originally published in 1965 under the name Design of Roadside Drainage Channels, written by James Searcy. That document concentrated on open channel hydraulics and did not include discussion of closed conduit facilities and energy dissipators provided by this updated version.
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