Li-Ion Battery Pack Immersion Exploratory Investigation
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Edition:Final – Technical Report, Sept. 2016 – April 2021
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Abstract:This research project was initiated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to assess Li-ion battery pack immersion. Immersion of an electrified vehicle’s battery pack is a relatively infrequent occurrence in the real world, especially with a depth of water that can fully immerse a battery pack, yet there are many insights to be gained from exploratory testing of these conditions as they represent an extreme safety scenario for a battery system. With this in mind, while not necessarily an explicit evaluation procedure direction or specification, understanding the safety implications of battery immersion could help provide guidance and background materials to a range of stakeholders including manufacturers, first and second responders, and the general public. Additionally, these events may also highlight or accelerate other issues with a battery’s safety system that would not necessarily appear during more routine testing. Moreover, as more electrified vehicles begin to see use on-road, more and more electrified vehicles would be expected to be involved in large-scale flooding events, which may increase the frequency with which immersion occurs in the real world. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to investigate the procedures to be used as well as the response of recent Li-ion batteries under these conditions. Findings and recommendations related to the above noted goals are discussed in the body of this report.
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