FHWA InfoMaterials Dataset Management [tech brief]
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Abstract:The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed a Web-based portal, InfoMaterials, to provide easy access to the agency’s infrastructure research and materials testing datasets (Federal Highway Administration 2021a). FHWA collects a tremendous amount of valuable data through cutting-edge testing technology, sponsored research, and other collaborative efforts. Data are essential for research and innovation, so it is crucial that the FHWA preserve, document, and provide accessibility to stakeholders and researchers to reduce data collection duplication and maximize the benefits of the collected data. FHWA’s InfoMaterials was first released in January 2020. It hosts datasets containing characterization data of asphalt and concrete materials, pavement performance testing and analysis results, and many other types of structured and unstructured highway infrastructure research data. The datasets are supplemented by extensive metadata, descriptions, and references to assist users in their understanding of the datasets. This document was originally developed to provide general guidance for the FHWA Office of Infrastructure Research and Development (R&D) at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) for the InfoMaterials Web portal. However, these guidelines can potentially be used for data and metadata management of all research data collected or generated by FHWA programs/studies.
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