Development of a database for surface energy of aggregates and asphalt binders.
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Edition:Technical report; Sept. 2007-Aug. 2008
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Abstract:TxDOT project 0-4524 evaluated the influence of surface energy of aggregates and binders on the resistance
of asphalt mixtures to moisture damage. The results from this research lead to the development of a threetier
approach to assess the moisture damage resistance of asphalt mixtures. This approach is based on testing
and evaluating the physical and/or mechanical properties of the constituent materials, the fine aggregate
mixture, and full asphalt mixture. In the first tier, an energy-based parameter termed the energy ratio (ER) is
calculated using the surface energy measurements. This parameter is used as a screening tool to select
binders and aggregates that have good resistance to moisture damage. The second and third tiers rely on
measuring the mechanical properties of the fine aggregate mixture and full asphalt mixture, respectively.
This report documents the results of an implementation project of the testing methods and analysis
approaches of the 0-4524 project. This implementation project included (a) providing training on the
developed experimental and analysis methods, (b) conducting measurements of the surface energy of
binders, additives, and aggregates, and (c) developing a database of surface energy measurements. This
database will be useful as a diagnostic tool for finding the cause of poor moisture damage resistance in mixes
and to suggest remedies through modification with anti-strip agents, lime, polymers, other additives, or
through a change of materials in extreme cases.
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