Strategies for Managing Freight Traffic Through Urban Areas: Technical Report
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Edition:Technical Report: January 2015–August 2018
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Abstract:Economic activity in most cities relies heavily on the movement of goods via freight vehicles. The freight transportation system has a direct impact on the livelihood and success of urban areas; however, the presence of trucks on the freeway system further increases congestion as the trucks interact with passenger vehicles. Trucks take up a large portion of roadway space, and the places that rely on freight the most are typically those where there is a high concentration of people and activities. As a result, traffic congestion increases while the safety of the roadway diminishes. This project examined multiple freight management strategies that are applicable for the largest urban areas in Texas. Researchers used an innovative simulation-based modeling methodology to assess freight flow management techniques, including land- and route-based, time-of-day, intelligent transportation system and active traffic management, and land-use strategies. Researchers developed and calibrated dynamic traffic assignment models of El Paso, Houston, Dallas–Fort Worth, and Austin, as well as a binational model of the El Paso/Juárez border region, to assess the applicability of multiple freight management strategies. The strategies outlined in this project are specific to the defined urban areas. Researchers developed and outlined guidelines for (a) preferred tools and methods for modeling each strategy; (b) selection and deployment of strategies based on the benefits they can provide and/or the conditions under which they might be employed; and (c) policy implications. Project results presented in this report should benefit the Texas Department of Transportation and other regional stakeholders interested in exploring various strategies to better manage freight in large, populated areas.
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