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Edition:Interim Report, August 2007 - June 2008
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Abstract:This paper looks at the issue of data quality within the context of transportation operations and management. The objective of this paper is to investigate data quality measures and how they are applied in existing systems. This paper explores the relevance of the data quality measures that were defined in a report entitled "Traffic Data Quality Measures" and presents an overview of the requirements for the implementation of a real-time information program. Specifically, this paper focuses on the real-time travel information applications within six primary interfaces (traffic management information, maintenance and construction management, transit management and information, information service provider information, parking information, and emergency management information) and their associated applications as identified in the publication of "Interim Guidance on the Information Sharing Specifications and Data Exchange Formats for the Real-Time System Management Information Program". The paper examined the quality of traffic data in existing real-time ATIS applications for both the public and private sector. The paper provides recommended data quality measures for three widely utilized traffic-related parameters, travel time, speed, and weather information. These recommendations were defined for each of the six data quality measures, accuracy, completeness, validity, timeliness, coverage, and accessibility.
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