Understanding Connected and Automated Vehicles’ Impacts on Utah Transportation Planning
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:With the rapid and continuous improvements in communication and detection technologies, connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are being brought to the transportation network and various CAV applications have been developed rapidly in the past few years. Early implementations of CAV technology have shown great potential benefits in improving safety, enhancing mobility, and reducing emissions. To leverage CAV technology, UDOT deployed a full Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) corridor for supporting transit signal priority (TSP) controls. In this project, our research team aims to collect related bus data along the DSRC corridor to conduct benefit/cost analysis and to evaluate if this deployment is an efficient investment. Note that it is expected that the benefit of this CAV deployment will go beyond the initial application in a variety of ways, in the near future. Therefore, this project determines another application that integrates adaptive traffic signal control and signal coordination control into the system. This system contains two levels of optimization: signal timing optimization at the intersection level and offset optimization at the corridor level. A dynamic programming algorithm is applied to solve the two models. Then, a simulation environment based on the DSRC corridor is established. Several simulations are conducted in VISSIM and further benefit/cost analysis is conducted to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed signal control system.
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