Performance of Right-Turn Lane Designs at Intersections
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Right-turn lane (RTL) crashes are among the most key contributors to intersection crashes in the US. Based on their design, traffic volume, and location, different right-turn lanes have varying levels of crash risk. Therefore, engineers and researchers have been looking for alternative ways to improve the safety and operation of right-turn traffic. This study investigated the traffic safety performance of the RTL in Indiana based on multiple sources, including official crash reports, official databases, and field studies. To understand the RTL crashes' influencing factors, we introduced a random effect negative binomial model and log-linear model to estimate the impact of influencing factors on crash frequency and severity, and we adopted the robustness test to verify the reliability of estimations. In addition to the environmental factors, spatial and temporal factors, intersection, and RTL geometric factors, we propose the compound factors among the RTL geometrics and intersection characteristics to address the endogeneity issues, which is rarely addressed in accident-related research literature. Last, we developed a case study with the help of the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). The empirical analyses indicated that RTL crash frequency and severity is mainly influenced by turn radius, traffic control, and other intersection-related factors such as right-turn type and speed limit, channelized type and AADT, and acceleration lane and AADT. The effects of these factors were different among counties and right-turn lane roadway types.
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