Impact of Heavy Trucks and Permitted Overweight Loads on Highways and Bridges Now and in the Future Versus Permit Fees, Truck Registration Fees, and Fuel Taxes
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Abstract:In this study, a damage assessment approach was developed to calculate the monetary consumption caused by overweight permitted vehicles on bridges and pavements in Florida. The damage assessment analysis for the bridges was conducted based on the fatigue damage measured by the equivalent bending moment on a representative bridge in Florida. Results of the bridge consumption analysis are given in $/miles. To calculate pavement damage cost, life cycle cost and damage analysis were rendered for 37 different representative road segments in Florida. The pavement damage was presented based on the equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). Then, a model was developed to estimate the average pavement damage for a given number of ESALs. The pavement and bridge damage costs were combined and presented in the same format as the existing overweight permit fee structure. Comparing the proposed permit fee to the current Florida fees showed that the proposed fees will increase the revenues of single-trip permits by a factor of 1.6, multi-trip 12-month months permits by a factor of 1.5, and multi-trip 3-month permits by a factor of 2.7. This is based on a 90% discount for multi-trip permits. The department can choose an appropriate discount rate for multi-trip permits based on economic considerations. The proposed change brings Florida’s overweight permit fees more in line with those of other states.
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