Precast Concrete Segmental Liners for Large Diameter Road Tunnels - Literature Survey and Synthesis
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Edition:Final Report 09, 2018 – 09, 2020
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Abstract:Increased roadway traffic demands have led to a notable increase of large diameter tunnel boring machine-driven tunnels across the world. The technological advancements of tunnel boring machines have made them a viable technical option for tunneling in difficult conditions in urban environments at ever increasing diameters. Such tunnels utilize precast concrete segmental linings. Although precast concrete segments have been widely used and designed in the US since the mid-1970s, the significant increase in diameter demands brings about new challenges in design and construction. Various international publications and practice manuals have been authored about segmental lining design. The present document is the first phase of an FHWA research initiative focused on the design of large diameter precast concrete segmental linings. This document provides an overview of the literature survey and synthesizes the current state of the practice along with raising potential knowledge gaps for future research.
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