Pavement Preservation: The Preventive Maintenance Concept: Executive Overview
Alternative Title:Pavement Preventive Maintenance: Executive Overview
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Abstract:This Executive Overview highlights the contents of the reference manual developed for a FHWA/NHI training course on pavement preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance, often summed up as "applying the right treatment to the right pavement at the right time; is becoming increasingly popular in highway agencies interested in overall pavement preservation. The objectives of the course are to introduce the components of a pavement preventive maintenance program, to define potential treatment techniques and materials, to describe the relationship between pavement management and pavement preventive maintenance, and to explain cost/benefit concepts of preventive maintenance to decision makers. The course's target audience is upper management and policy makers in highway agencies. The training course is organized into seven modules that are intended to meet the above-stated objectives. The first module is an overview of pavement preventive maintenance. This is followed by background information on the current status of preventive maintenance, appropriate definitions, objectives of preventive maintenance programs, and barriers to success. The next module introduces the most commonly used maintenance treatments for both asphalt concrete surfaced and portland cement concrete pavements. Because economic analyses are so important to evaluating the cost effectiveness of treatments, a module on cost analyses is included. A number of state highway agencies (SHAs) have already implemented or are in the process of implementing preventive maintenance programs. These agencies form the basis for a module on case studies, which summarizes the status of these programs. Module 6 considers the best practices from successful SHAs, as well as information presented in the previous modules, and outlines the steps an agency should consider to begin or improve their own preventive maintenance program. The final module is actually a series of workshops that are intended to emphasize some of the key points of the presentation material and allow course participants the opportunity to work together to establish objectives and program components for their own preventive maintenance program.
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