Synopsis of New Methods and Technologies to Collect Origin-Destination (O-D) Data
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Abstract:This report provides an overview and detail on the use of cellular, GPS, and Bluetooth technologies for origin-destination (O-D) data. It discusses what each technology represents and its capabilities and limitations in relation to accuracy, sample saturation, and frequency. It includes takeaways and lessons learned from numerous studies in recent years that have used cell, GPS, and/or Bluetooth to collect O-D data. The report provides a comparison between the technologies in relation to the ability to provide O-D data by external trip types, by non-commercial and commercial vehicle categories, and by supplemental attributes such as residency status and routing. It discusses the suitability of each technology for planning versus operational O-D studies and for different geographic scales such as urban, regional, or statewide. The report provides potential users of O-D data sourced from cell, GPS, or Bluetooth general guidance on which technology or combinations of technologies is best suited for different O-D study types, sizes, and objectives.
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