Understanding Traditional Origin-Destination Data: A Survey
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Abstract:Many transportation planning models rely on estimates of origin-destination (OD) travel flows for inputs or validation. Conventional 4-step travel demand models estimate origins and destinations using trip generation and trip distribution approaches. Given the importance of the OD matrix in this type of modeling, several methods and datasets have been developed for estimating OD travel flows. This volume reviews 10 traditional approaches, surveys, or datasets that can be used to estimate OD travel flows: household travel diaries; establishment survey data; external station surveys; intercept surveys; the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics dataset; the Census Transportation Planning Package; visitor survey data; on-board transit survey data; Bluetooth OD estimation; and matrix estimation calibrated to traffic counts. For each approach, the challenges and shortcomings are highlighted. All the approaches have limitations including limited survey sample sizes, high cost of administration, and multiple sources of statistical bias. Analysts should understand the shortcomings in each of these traditional approaches to OD estimation and consider additional methods to address these limitations.
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